The National Alliance of Self Regulating Health Professions (NASRHP) was originally an informal alliance which began in 2008 under the auspices of Allied Health Professions Australia, to support member organisations of self-regulating health professions. Its transition to a formal independent body providing a quality framework for these professions has been supported by seed funding by the Australian Government Department of Health. The NASRHP Board has the decision-making power regarding governance, and its membership. All decisions are independent of government.

Australian peak bodies of self regulating allied health professions wishing to join NASRHP must meet benchmark standards for regulation and accreditation of practitioners within that profession. NASRHP standards have been closely modelled on AHPRA standards and are composed of the following eleven standards:

  1. Scope (Areas) of Practice
  2. Code of Ethics/Practice and/or Professional Conduct
  3. Complaints Procedure
  4. Competency Standards
  5. Course Accreditation
  6. Continuing Professional Development
  7. English Language Requirements
  8. Mandatory Declarations
  9. Professional Indemnity Insurance
  10. Practitioner Certification Requirements
  11. Recency and Resumption of Practice Requirements

This facilitates national consistency in quality and support for self regulating health professionals and satisfies national and jurisdictional regulatory requirements, including the National Code of Conduct of health care workers. This provides assurance to patients they are receiving a quality service from a certified health professional.

NASRHP does not provide individual certification for practitioners.

Our Objectives

  1. Maintain a framework of standards for self regulating health professions;
  2. Provide a single point of contact for stakeholders and interested parties for matters relating to self regulating health professions;
  3. Advance and promote self regulating health professions;
  4. Increase public confidence in self regulating health professions; and
  5. Advocate for self regulating health professions in the areas of regulation and standards.